Persil Ultimate Laundry Washing Liquid Detergent Tough Stain Removal 52W, 1.4L, Select Your Pack

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Persil Ultimate Laundry Washing Liquid Detergent ToughStain Removal 52W, 1.4L,Select Your Pack
Introducing our Ultimate Liquid range. Discover ourUltimate Non-Bio Aloe Vera Liquid crafted for sensitiveskin.
Our Ultimate Active Clean Liquid which fightsodours and stains and our Ultimate Touch of ComfortLiquid, which provides 14 days of fragrance.
Touch of Comfort: Persil Ultimate Touch of ComfortWashing Liquid Detergent removes tough stains and isinfused with an uplifting Comfort fragrance that lasts upto 14 days, leaving your family with fragrant, cleanclothes time and time again. The powerful concentratedformula of this Persil washing liquid detergent provideseffective stain removal even at low temperatures, andyou only need a small dose for a full load of laundry.Wash cold with Persil and save up to 60% on yourlaundry energy bill. Plus, the bottle is recyclable andcontains recycled plastic.
Active Clean: Persil Ultimate Active Clean LaundryWashing Liquid Detergent fights odours while removingtough stains. Whether it’s from strawberries, grass, ormud, you can rest assured that this Persil Ultimatedetergent will leave your laundry clean. With FreshBursttechnology, it provides 14 days of freshness. Thepowerful concentrated formula of this bio-washing liquidis effective even at low temperatures, and you only needa small dose. Wash cold with Persil and save up to 60%on your laundry energy bill. Plus, the bottle is recyclableand contains recycled plastic.
Non-Bio Aloe Vera: Persil Ultimate Non-Bio Aloe VeraLaundry Washing Liguid Detergent is crafted for sensitiveskin, infused with soothing and gentle notes of AloeVera, and is the toughest non-bio on stains. lt tacklesstubborn stains, from pasta sauce to iced coffee to mud,while remaining gentle next to sensitive skin. lts powerfulconcentrated formula effectively removes tough stainseven at low temperatures, and you only need a smalldose. Wash cold with Persil and save up to 60% on yourlaundry energy bill. Plus, the bottle is recyclable andcontains recycled plastic.
Package Contains: Persil Ultimate Laundry WashingLiquid Detergent Tough Stain Removal 52W, 1.4L,SelectYour Pack
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